Our advisor and investor, Peter Mertens, from Next Mobility Labs holds a passionate plea for a new mobility and a new European self-confidence.
A must have for people who are interested in the automotive industry, to gain insights and topics to think about. Written in 2021 and more relvant than ever. Available as an audio book, e-book or traditional hardcover.
About the book
If our automotive industry wants to survive, it must radically restructure itself. Former Audi board member Peter Mertens is convinced that only those companies that dare to be more sustainable, that stand up for more European sovereignty in the global automotive industry and that are open to cooperation within and outside the industry are fit for the future. This requires an alliance of business, politics and science as well as a new understanding of what a car should be. This alone is made necessary by the new diversity of drivers: as owners, users or gamers.